Requesting a Reservation for AAW Equipment?
To request a reservation for an outdoor chair and trailer, go to the Reservation Request Form and fill out your request.
The form includes a DNR Customer Number. (There is NO cost to obtain this DNR number yet is needed due to a DNR grant reporting requirement. Information on how to get the number is on the DNR website:
Equipment calendars list CONFIRMED reservations for OWCs.
There may be another request in the process of becoming a reservation. The required deposit for each outdoor wheelchair must be received by the AAW Office before a request will become a reservation. Note: AAW handles all funds for AAW equipment. AAW partners will handle equipment funding for AAW.
For a specific AAW Network Location, please see the particular page listing contacts and status. Check to see if the dates on which you would like to reserve one or more AAW OWCs are open. Most reservation requests will be honored.***
NOTE: most locations need a 5-7 day advanced notice. If you need a more immediate reservation, please call the location first.
Any reservation requests needed sooner than 7 days prior to checkout will require a $10 non-refundable fee.
Any reservation requests needed sooner than 7 days prior to checkout will require a $10 non-refundable fee.
The following required step is recommended to be completed before Check-In
Return all online Client Surveys within 3 days of AAW equipment check-in.
NOTE: Organizations, schools, and community groups are required to submit the following:
*** Access Ability Wisconsin reserves the right to refuse and/or cancel reservations without explanation. ***
Required for Confirmation of the Reservation Request
Deposit Paid
(The deposit is submitted online via credit card, debit card, or PayPal. To use credit or debit, click on either the "Reservation Deposit" picture or under "Reserve" select "Deposit Options", and select "Credit/Debit on PayPal". The new window will be displayed. Select the amount for the deposit and then at the bottom, click the button stating "credit or debit card".)
NOTE: Schools, non-profit organizations, community groups, and For-Profit Businesses: Want to make your field trips and community events accessible? Reserve AAW resources for events. Contact AAW about your event or program requirements for more opportunities to collaborate! Email or submit an inquiry on AAW’s website.Reservation Request Form (either paper or online),
To request a different electronic form to fill out, email asking for a .pdf or .doc file for your reservation. Then you may print, fill out, and return by mail or scan and email the reservation request.
For all off-site use:
A copy of a valid driver's license, and
A copy of valid vehicle insurance belonging to the person towing the chair whether using a trailer or a carrier
YOU or the person towing the equipment must physically hand the keys over to the Check-in Contact/Volunteer or you are liable. In addition, you may not be able to reserve equipment again.
Email your completed paperwork to the host location's email address or to You may upload a copy of your paperwork while completing your reservation request.
Prior to the Checkout Date
Please review the following:
Use Agreement and Waiver of Liability -
We recommend completing this liability form and reviewing all AAW forms including the owner's manual ahead of time. You will be required to sign this form each time equipment is picked up.Towing Requirements: The OWC weighs 350 lbs. and is loaded on a trailer weighing approximately 800 lbs. that uses a 2” ball. Please make sure you will have access to a vehicle with the capacity to tow equipment over 1150 lbs. when you make the reservation.
- For safety reasons we require at least an 8" clearance from the ground to the hitch once the trailer is attached. As such we suggest you use a midsize SUV, a van, or a truck to ensure the appropriate clearance and safety. We have a right to refuse check out for any safety reason.
- Lights - a flat 4-pin tail light connector is required for trailer light hookup. Blinkers and brakes must work prior to leaving with the trailer.Condition Report - (Equipment Check Out/In Form)
**OWC Survey (for individuals and events)
Surveys are require to be completed when equipment is returned.
This is required for return of the deposit. (Note: A paper copy is available to download.)
IMPORTANT: IF you do NOT follow the Reservation Request Process, your reservation will NOT be confirmed. If your tentative reservation is not confirmed at least 10 days prior, your reservation will be canceled, and you will be bumped.
Any reservation requests needed sooner than seven days prior to checkout will require a $10 non-refundable fee.
We will assign the actual trailer or carrier depending on your needs and the availability of the equipment at the checkout location.
When checking out or in equipment the person towing the chair is required to provide a copy of a valid driver's license and proof of insurance. You will be required sign a condition report and fill out a survey that allows us to report information on the use of the chair to the other grantors.
Each chair will need to be returned in the same or better condition as checked out. We will contact you to let you know your specified time and finalize pick up and drop off instructions.
At Check-in Time:
Surveys - Depending on who used the chair, each user(s) will be required to complete the user survey and the event coordinator will be required to complete an event survey.
Condition report (check out/in form) which includes returning the chair(s) & trailer(s) in the same or better condition.
We welcome a statement and a photo/video of how you used the OWC(s) and your experience.
The deposit may be returned upon completion of the survey, with no issues on the condition report and receiving pictures/video. The person paying the deposit may donate the reservation deposit for the maintenance of the chair.
Deposit is forfeited and an additional $50 late fee per chair may be charged. In the event you cancel or change your reservation, $25 may be kept for processing your reservation.
Condition Report (Equip. Ck out/In)