AAW Network
Hosts & Equipment Checkout / In Locations (Alphabetically by Category)
Outdoor Wheelchairs (OWC), Single and Event Trailers, and other adaptive equipment calendars are listed by location. If there is a reservation on a date, then that piece(s) of equipment has been checked out. Please contact us or the listed host contact for the location, if you have questions.
AAW in Dane & Iowa County, WI
Dane County has been the home to Access Ability Wisconsin since it was established as an initiative in 2014 and a nonprofit in 2017. In the Madison Metropolitan Area including Sun Prairie, McFarland, and Oregon, a few options are available with regard to outdoor wheelchair (OWC) models, accessories, and trailer sizes. The following are locations for pickup and return.
Equipment Checkout/in & Storage Locations
(Confirmation of times and place are dependent on volunteer schedules and location of reserved equipment needed at checkout.)
Oregon, WI at A-Z Farms
Outside of Sun Prairie, WI at North Bristol Sportsman's Club
We also have an attendant control, headrest, chest harness (adult and youth), and seat belt extender should you request it in advance.
In 2021 AAW expanded its home office reach to Iowa County. It is one of AAW's storage locations for checkout/in and the main office. To reserve an event trailer, single trailer, or outdoor wheelchairs from Iowa County follow the reservation process after contacting admin@AccessAbilityWI.org.
For availability at these locations, check the equipment calendar of these AAW Hosts.
Blue Hills Sportsmen's Club, Rice Lake, WI (Barron and surrounding Counties) *Both
Wehr Nature Center, Franklin, WI (Milwaukee County) *Both
*Both = off & on-site reservations are available
Community Groups
Checkout/in Locations
Halfmoon Outdoors, Evansville, WI (Rock County)
(outside of Dane and Iowa Counties)