Hosting Program in Wisconsin Dells, WI

Serving Adams, Columbia, Juneau, Sauk, and Monroe


Hosting Program Coordinator:  Rachael Lewandowski Sarette

Upham Woods main line 608-254-6461 or Work phone: 608-890-1137

Multiple single units are available.

Secondary Contact:  Molly Bodde


Work phone: 608-254-5744 

Address: N194 County Rd N, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965

Juneau Co. Hosting Program Calendar

You may request an attendant control.

 Accessories include: adult harness, swing arm, hi/low rack, and headrest

Outdoor Wheelchair (OWC #  17) - Shadow Green, Joystick on right
Trailer # 17 - Single Aluminum (new design)

Outdoor Wheelchair (OWC #  14) - Black, Joystick on right
Trailer # 14 - Single Aluminum (new design)